
Lektor języka angielskiego, wykładowca akademicki​

Hello, my name is Joanna 

Why am I a language teacher? 

Hmm… a good question. It’s not that I’ve always wanted to become one but it has rather been about the language itself and its appeal to me since childhood. It connected me to a different, better world and opportunities unavailable to those who did not know it. It’s been my dream to go to London, see The London Tower and talk to the Londoners in such a way that they do not ask me “where are you from”? At least not at the very beginning.  This dream lead me to being a diligent student of English pronunciation, avid reader of English literature and finally to my graduation from an English Literature Faculty. As travel and enjoying life in general has always been important to me, together with the language of course, I’ve decided to become a university teacher of English, have a job which gives me the benefit of working with young people and most importantly: very long holidays that I can I spend travelling to exotic destinations, sailing or skiing. Teaching the language is also a means of sharing these experiences and learning from students about theirs. This I consider the biggest value of the job.